Palimpsest is a powerful new Macintosh application to help you study, read, research, teach and work with documents however you need to.
The accompanying documents tell you more about Palimpsest, including
• The benefits of Registering Palimpsest
• What is a Palimpsest Subscription?
• How to register Palimpsest
A year long subscription to Palimpsest costs only US$50. Registration is easy, using the mini application, Register Palimpsest, that is part of this package. You can also register securely online. Point your World Wide Web Browser to
System Requirements
Palimpsest will run on any Macintosh with the following characteristics
System 7.0 or later
At least 3.5 MB available to Palimpsest (Virtual memory is acceptable)
We recommend at least 4 MB of memory for Palimpsest
Any Macintosh
We recommend a 68030, 68040 or PowerPC Macintosh
Take some time to investigate the features of Palimpsest.
We suggest you read at least the introduction to our user manual, which itself is in Palimpsest format. This introduces the key ideas of this innovative application, and gives you a feel for using Palimpsest.
We also suggest you make use of the extensive Balloon Help we have provided to orient our users. Turn on Balloon Help by choosing Show Balloons from the Help menu.
What was installed?
One folder, Palimpsest Lite was installed on your hard disk.
Inside this folder you will find
A Readme Please document
The Palimpsest License
A document Benefits of Registering
A document What is a Subscription?
A document How to Register Palimpsest
A document Australian Registrations
A folder Document Types (see the manual for more on Document
The application Palimpsest 1 Lite
Register Palimpsest, an application to make registering
Palimpsest easy
The folder Palimpsest User Documentation containing the user
manual Palimpsest, a User’s Manual
In addition, when you first run the application, Palimpsest will place a Preferences file called Palimpsest Preferences, as well as a folder called Palimpsest Servers inside the Preferences folder, inside your system folder.
How do I remove Palimpsest?
Firstly, remove the Folder Palimpsest Lite. Be sure to delete the file called Palimpsest Preferences, and the Folder called Palimpsest Servers from the Preferences folder in your System Folder.
If you want to remove any documents you created using Palimpsest, use the finder's Find functionality, and look for all files whose creator is PALP.
PowerMac users please note
Palimpsest is also available accelerated for PowerMacintosh. To download the latest PowerMacintosh version of Palimpsest, please point your Web Browser to
Users of PowerMacintoshes will experience significant performance improvements in comparison with running this version of Palimpsest on their PowerMacintosh.